The Stirring is an expression of the Kingdom of Heaven
Stir up one another for love and good works (Heb: 10:20)
Encountering God for the sake of transformation; connecting like family for the sake of the kingdom; responding by bringing joy, hope and heaven’s influence for the sake of the world.
Encounter - Connect - Respond
Our attention and affection are on God and on positioning ourselves to allow Him to encounter us.
Our pursuit of Gods’ presence and His pursuit of us leads to a place of connection.
This is not the end, but the beginning. We want to move deeper into intimate relationship with God and with each other.
Growing together, as we learn to listen to Gods voice and capture His heart.
We’ve learnt that God wants to partner with us to help make His ways know in and through our lives.
Together we ask ‘Father, how do you want us to respond to what you’ve shown us?’
Contact us today.
Get in touch and invite us to minister at your church or event.