Training & Equipping
We are a training and equipping ministry and love to pour out our hearts in ‘equipping the saints for the work of ministry’ (Ephesians 4:12).
We run our own School of Prophecy, and equip in a number of key areas including : Worship, The Prophetic, Kingdom Identity, Healing, Prayer and Ministry Team Training. We regularly speak by invitation at other events and conferences nationally and internationally.
Please feel free to contact us if you would like us to come to an event you are planning.

Activation & Impartation
One of the thrills of traveling to the nations is witnessing the body of Christ re-awakening or coming alive to aspects of supernatural christianity previously unexplored or laying dormant.
Scripture instructs us to pursue a life of love like our lives depend on it and to eagerly desire the gifts of the Spirit especially prophecy. (Paraphrase of 1 Corinthians 14)
Hearing the voice of Father God and releasing his life giving words of encouragement are a vital part of kingdom family. As we teach and equip we also do creative exercises and prophetic activation to release people into a fuller understanding of who they are, whose they are and what they are here on this planet for. We believe in Impartation – the activation of the gifts of the Spirit that can come through the laying on of hands. (2 Timothy 1:6-7, Romans 1:11, Numbers 11:16-17)
Activation and impartation are integral parts of our ministry to the body of Christ, encouraging each of us into a naturally supernatural lifestyle.