Destined For the Cross | Dr. Randy Clark


Dr. Randy Clark’s new long-awaited book will help you better understand the reason Jesus had to die on the cross.

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Dr. Randy Clark’s new long-awaited book will help you better understand the reason Jesus had to die on the cross.

Understanding the Truth Behind Jesus’ Death Changes Everything

In Destined for the Cross, Randy Clark explores the most central aspect of Christianity: Jesus Christ and His death on the cross. While the full magnitude is beyond human comprehension, Dr. Clark helps to clear the fog and offers a clear glimpse into the life and death of the Son of God, providing answers to questions such as:

  • Who was Jesus?
  • Where did He come from?
  • Why did He come?
  • How do we benefit from His life and death?

Truly understanding what happened on the cross provides a new way of living in a hurting world, and Dr. Clark’s insight profoundly and poetically leads the way.

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